Better Solutions For Your Classroom or Computer Lab

This Free browser allows teacher and administrators to send websites to the students computers. Teacher goes online and enters a website and within 15 seconds the students computers change to that site. Students have no access to navigate to any site except the site you enter. You can assign sites based on Lab Room

About Us

Take control of your students web experience.

This is a Free Better Solutions For Your Classroom or Computer Lab

  • Computer Lab Browser that replaces your current Browser
  • Classroom Browser that replaces the Browser on the student laptops
  • Replace the Browser on your child's computer to control
  • And yes, the Browser is Free!

This browser gives you control of your student's or child's internet experience. You can set list of sites they can navigate to or set what sites the browser navigates to during specific times.

Teachers and Parents can send sites down to the computers and students have no ability to navigate away or open another tab. Make your computer an education learning experience not a danger waiting to happen.

Why? Take Control of the Internet Today in your Class or Home!

  • 01Adds another layer of Protection to your School by limiting students to only the websites you are current using in this lesson!

    In a School, classroom, home, or Lab teachers and parents can send sites down to the computer from their computer, ipad or phone. In the Classroom the teacher now takes control. At home the parent now can make sure the computers are used for education and safe sites. It's simple and it just works.

  • 01Intergrates with the First Free full functioning Learning Management System!

    Students and teachers are now on the same page in the classroom. allows teachers to create, share, and import from other teachers and libraries lessons that as you teach in the classroom or online the students are on the same site and lesson as you. They are actively engages playing the online simulations, games, quizzes, exams in a fully integrated system. You teach and they actively follow along answering questions together that appear on your screen. You teach, they engage. You see the over all results appear as they answer. Students participation is automatically graded and the gradebook is updated. So many features you should watch the videos online or call for demo.

  • 01Stop fighting with the computers having students remember email logins, passwords, etc...!

    This Browser and ilearningsystem will change your life as a teacher. A full featured system that assesses students, organizes your teacher/learning experience. Keeps the kidos on track. Online homework submittal and a system that not only organizes your classes, units, lessons, homework, activities, videos etc.... but also emails parents of student progress and communications. It will change your life as a teacher or parent. This add true transparency to the classroom. Parents can log in see their childs progress, see scores, lessons, homework and exams. Parents now can review questions and lessons taught during the day with their child. Rewatch learning videos and retake lessons that they child did not do well on. This is finally a site that connects parents truely with their childs school.



Download the browser, run the install and setup an administrator email and password, setup the type of control you need. Parent can now Control the computers your kids use, Computer Lab support, Classroom support, School Support, etc... Other browsers let you limit what site the kids can't go to, but that is impossible. There is no way you can limit every dangerous site out there and schools that try are fighting an constant battle. Instead just control what sites they can go to.

Schedule Support online Prices Vary
School onsite Training $150 Plus Travel
Free Installation and setup Free
Training and Setup Videos Online Free

Free Installation

Setup is simple and easy with walk through Videos. Help is also available online using videos and support techs are available if scheduled online with us.

30 for Free

30 Computers Controlled for Free. Teacher/School Plans starting at 39.95 a Year

Free Browser Updates

The system will notify you when a new version is avilable and allow you to update automatically online

Setup is Easy

After installing, the system will take you to the Setup screen where you can set up the type of control you need.

Confused? Give us a call to discuss the Advantages 760.524.2473

Taking control of your class and lab computers. Keep computer lab organization simple with a basic browser that puts you incharge.

Operating System

Currently the system is supported on all the Windows Operating Systems (Windows XP, 7, 8 , 10 and 11 and future systems). We are currently working on Mac OS version, Chrome and Android versions. These should be available late 2022.

  • Windows Laptops
  • Windows Desktops
  • Windows Tablets
  • Others soon


Create groups within your school and send sites to by Teams, by Classroom groups, by Class Groups, by Lab Computers, by Teacher code, by single students, or even the entire school. Use this for presentation for training, classroom learning, Lab Work and especially parents can not send sites to their children as a group or a single child.

Student Training Videos

Training Videos for Parents and Students to Learn how to use and Website for Classroom and online Learning

1.0 Student Overview
1.1 Student Class Overview
1.3 Student Lesson Overview
1.4 Student Lessons Part I
1.5 Student Lessons Part II
1.6 Student Lessons Part III
1.7 Student Rewards and Dollars
1.8 Student Reading Lessons


Pricing is free for Schools, Classrooms

Free Plan

$0per month

  • Up to 30 Computers
  • Free Setup and Installation
  • Free Access to the Admin Website to Control Computers
  • Free Subscription to Learning Management System
Get Started

School Plan

$199.95 a Year

  • Unlimited Students
  • Unlimited Browser Downloads
  • Free Setup and Installation
  • Free Access to the Admin Website to Control Computers
  • 3 Free Support Call a Month
  • Free Tickets to the GoogleAware and Seminars
  • Free Subscription to Learning Management System
  • School default Webpage with unlimited Class Link. We Change the default page when the system opens to your School page.
Get Started

GoogleAwareApp Subscription

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes this is real and the Browser designed by teachers that actually works with students,classrooms,group presentations and parents. This is wonderful for a classroom, computer lab, school or even at home. This is what the internet should be for kids.

  • How do I start if I am a parent?

    Click the download button on your Windows computer and install the App. After it opens enter an email address and password. Then Enter a Family Email and Make sure the Lock Navigation is checked. Go to and log in and setup your internet webpage that will automaticallly change on all your kidos browsers. You can even schedule internet time, sites that they are allowed to enter and sites that will automatically appear at specific times. Great for after school study and homework time. Kids are redirected to the school learning site.

  • GoogleAware was created especially for this. Download the Browser from the top link, Enter your Admin Email, password, School # (Get this by creating an account in ilearningsystem or calling or emailing us [email protected] with your School Name, email and phone number). Then Select the type of Control. Select Computer Lab then enter a Computer Lab Code in the box. (Make sure to enter the School # from the account) The Code could be the room number, name of the classroom, or just enter the word: "COMPUTER LAB" OR "LAB" Remember this code must be the same for all the computers in the Lab. After this save and close. You Can come back to this setup screen by clicking on Settings at the top of the browser at any point to change the information. You Can also click the Edit File button and save this setup file to a flashdrive to copy to the other computers in the room.

  • GoogleAware was created especially for this as well. Download the Browser from the top link, Enter your Admin Email, password, School # (Get this by creating an account in ilearningsystem or calling or emailing us [email protected] with your School Name, email and phone number). Then Select the type of Control. Select Classroom then enter Class Code in the box (Make sure to enter the School # from the account). The Code could be the room number, name of the classroom, or just enter the word: "5". In the I Remember this code must be the same for all the computers in the Lab. After this save and close. You Can come back to this setup screen by clicking on Settings at the top of the browser at any point to change the information. You Can also click the Edit File button and save this setup file to a flashdrive to copy to the other computers in the room.



Download on each computer you wish to control

If you have issues email [email protected] or call





California and Missouri Offices - 760.524.2473

